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Who is a psychopath?

I have great respect for the painter of the king. His name was Friedrich Stowasser. During his life he was renamed Friedensreich Hundertwasser. He was an important Austrian artist, a painter who created human life for humans, ecology. Many of his works can be seen in nearby Austria, Vienna. This man defined our five forms.
1. Epidermis
2. Clothes
3. Houses
4. Identity
5. Earth
And it really came close, hit into practical life.
For years we have been reading in all possible media about the life of a psychopath. All his identities contradict the meaning of life according to the unscientific painter of the King (study why he is a king), but completely fit into the scientific evaluation of psychiatrist Radkin Honzak.
I quote: They do nothing on purpose. They just don't understand why they should respect some rules when the opposite is more convenient for them.
Therefore, they do not even have a conscience, which in the absence of fear leads to more natural and spontaneous action. The willingness to tear down social schemes and their charm makes them charismatic personalities. The psychopath never doubts himself, and that is why he is so convincing, so riveting. Fearlessness, action, mental endurance, mindfulness ... ..but mainly and above all ruthlessness.
In the ancestral estate, I discovered an old book of wisdom. And it says:
If you steal a bank, you can still die as an honest man. But alas, if you put a toothpick in your pocket in your restaurant. He screams at you as a professional thief who is already stealing toothpicks, even if you have taken nothing more than a toothpick in your life.

We already had a psychopath in the company, unfortunately, we still have one big, but in common with everyone in the country. And we know about a new place to burn stork nests ...