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Metal Heat Processing World

Sun, water, heat, nitrogen, greening

In January, a tender will be announced to enlarge our photovoltaic power plant. We will add 200kWp to the current 30kWp and thus improve the daily balance of EE consumption at peak energy. After heat pumps, nitrogen production, rainwater from the roof and forest wells, which flows down the gravity, it will be another contribution to reducing energy costs. Although we are essentially non-ecological operations, we have a number of improvements that we are trying to mitigate our negative contribution to the planet. The less energy there is in the parts we heat treat, the greener they will be. Every year we increase our level of responsibility and blend technical solutions with natural and old truths. That trees cool the climate, that water flows from top to bottom, that old pallets are suitable for heating in wood-fired boilers, that old oil does not need to be disposed of, but that it will serve as a secondary raw material, or that even food that would normally be thrown away can be consumed our peacocks.

We may be wrong, but it is surprising that there are no training sessions on this topic. There is so much unnecessary training in the whole Czech Republic, but nothing to reduce the environmental burden.